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English 9 - Of Mice and Men: Introduction


Establishing a Social Context for Of Mice and Men

John Steinbeck’s novel, Of Mice and Men, is set in the United States during the 1930’s. The historic landscape of that time period and that setting underscore Steinbeck’s novel and purpose; therefore your examination of the 1930’s U. S. will enable you to appreciate the author’s purpose and the themes in his work.

Learning Targets: Today I will research the United States during the 1930's in order to learn about the time period and construct a more detailed context for the novel. I'll know I'm successful when I learn enough about the 1930's society to confidently analyze and interpret the characters, allusions, symbolism, setting, and themes of Steinbeck's novel.

Opening Activity

Opening Activity:

Complete the opening activity as a class and discuss. How does this activity relate to today's learning targets and goals?