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World War II: Station One - The Holocaust

Holocust Identification Card

Station One- the Holocaust

Choose a Holocaust Identification Card off the table and read the booklet.  When you are done, answer the following questions:

  1. Explain the quote on the front of the card- “For the dead and the living we must bear witness”.What do you think this statement means?

  2. What was life like for your Holocaust victim in the years 1933-1939?

  3. What happened to them as a result of the Holocaust?

Please return your Identification Card to the table when you are finished

Holocaust Tab

Click on the blue Holocaust tab to learn about Concentration camps.

A. This site has a map of all the concentration and extermination camps. How many concentration camps can you count? How many extermination camps?


B. You will find more information about the camps at this site. There is a chart of how many were killed at each camp. How many Jews were killed by the Nazis? What other groups were targeted?


C. This chart shows all the camps, concentration and extermination. What do you think the difference was between the two camps? How many did the U.S. shut down?


D.  Auschwitz Concentration camp. What was life like?

Nazi Book Burning

Nazi Book Burnings


One of the first targets of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi organization were books. This began in 1933, shortly after Hitler seized power in Germany. He ordered leaders of the regime to confiscate and destroy any literature deemed subversive to the National Socialist agenda. The elimination of these documents was carried out in a ceremonial fashion. Public book burnings were held for all the citizens to view. These demonstrations were held in both Germany and Austria. All works authored by Jewish, communist, pacifist, socialist, anarchist and classic liberals were fair game.

The Burnings

Originally, the burnings were announced as part of a campaign by the German Student Association. This endeavor was termed “Action Against the Un-German Spirit.” The ultimate goal would be a “Sauberung,” or cleaning by fire. The association went to great lengths to advertise these gatherings through the media. Newspaper ads were run and announcements were made on German Radio. Many times well known Nazis would host the proceedings.

Books_burned_by_Nazis_by_David_ShankboneOne of the more famous events involving book burning occurred at the Waltburg Festival in April of 1933. The occasion marked the three hundredth anniversary of Martin Luther’s “Ninety-Five Theses.” Martin Luther was a 16th century German Monk and theology professor. This work by Luther disputed the Catholic Church’s baptisms and rights of absolution. The students presented their own version of this doctrine called “Twelve Theses.” In this case, the “theses” referred to a call for literature and language in German only.

The largest recognized book burning demonstration took place on May 10, 1933. All across Germany, with most being in towns housing universities, protests were held. It is believed that as many as 25,000 volumes were eliminated via flame. Torchlight parades were held in the evening. These were planned as celebrations featuring the reading of incantations, “fire oaths” being pledged and bands playing. Student leaders, rectors, professors and leaders of the Nazi party spoke to large audiences.

1933-may-10-berlin-book-burningIn Berlin alone, a crowd estimated to number perhaps 40,000 were on hand to hear Hitler’s henchman, Joseph Goebbels, spout the attributes of morality and decency while begrudging moral corruption and decadence. He specifically called for the burning of books by authors such as Erich Kastner, Ernst Glaser and Heinrich Mann. Kastner was actually a writer of children’s book. He was also however, strongly opposed to the Nazi movement. His signing of the “Urgent Call to Unity” sealed his anti-Nazi stance. American writers whose books were incinerated that night included Hellen Keller, Jack London and Ernest Hemingway. Famous fiction author H.G. Wells, a man of British descent, was represented, as was Karl Marx, the founder of communist ideals.

The Aftermath

In an interesting aftermath to the Nazi book burnings, in 1946, the process was reversed by the Allied leaders. While not performed in public, millions of books were seized from Germany and destroyed. Some 30,000 different titles with subject matter from poetry to educational publications used in schools were eliminated. Even some writings by Carl von Clausewitz were determined to be detrimental to the Allied cause. Today, many of von Clausewitz works are mandatory reading in universities and military academies all over the world. Even artwork did not escape the Allied ban and thousands upon thousands of paintings were also seized or destroyed.