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2020 - Honors English 9 - Journeys in the Modern World: Introduction


Journeys in the Modern World

From your assignment: 

"For the Summative Assessment, you are going to apply your understanding and analysis of the values and beliefs of Homer, the characters in The Odyssey, and the characters in your journey choice book. Additionally,  you will research a new hero to create one of the following projects below:

  • A Hero Trading Card (hard copy version & Google Slide presentation)
  • A Poster about a hero (Paper version or Adobe Spark or Wixie)
  • A Podcast about a hero (including talking points)
  • A children's book about a hero (storyboard & hard copy version)
  • A Presentation about your hero (Google slides, Pecha Kucha, Pear Deck)."

Opening Activity

As you select a hero for this assignment, reflect on what you already know about the events of the past AND begin considering how those events might have impacted the person you research.

Activity Directions: 

  • Listen to the music played by the librarian and flip through the slide deck to the right.
    • Which slide matches each playlist?
    • What are the associated decades?
    • What makes you believe so? The songs? The images? Both?
  • As a table group, divide the chart paper into four quadrants and label the decades; place the images under the appropriate decade headers.
  • For each decade, briefly map the following with your table group (on chart paper):
    • ​​What do you already know about each decade? List everything that comes to mind.
    • What questions come to mind about the decades? What are you curious about (events, innovations, entertainers, issues of human rights, etc.)? (Write at least three questions per person). 
  • So What? How does this activity relate to your assignment?

Slide Deck