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IB Extended Essay: Primary Text Research - Class of 2025: Overview


IB Extended Essay: Primary Text Research

Class of 2025

This guide contains resources for Extended Essays in the following Categories: Dance, Film, Literature, Language and Literature, Literature and Performance, Music, Theatre Arts, Visual Arts, Philosophy, and World Religions.  Essays within these subject areas involve student analysis and interpretation of a work of art or language (the "text") in combination with either a critic's, scholarly perspective or contextual research to support the student analysis. 

Today's Activities

Click the image below to open the slide deck: 

Subject Specific Source Lists

Subject Specific Primary & Secondary Sources

  1. Open the PDF (linked at the bottom of this column) and take notes on your subject guidance.
    • Read the "subject-specific source lists" and the "types of sources". Guidance for each subject will appear two times in this document; be sure to read both sections. 
    • What are the primary sources for your subject? And the secondary? What is the treatment of primary and secondary source material in your subject?
  2. Open THIS Google Doc (also available in the EE Google Classroom); read the EE Subject Guidance & Scoring Guidance for your topic.  
  3. Create some notes for yourself: What did you learn by reading these documents? Where might you begin your research?