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2021-22 - Classification of Endangered Species: Day One: Explore

Exploration of Potential Topics

Exploration Purpose: Use the time to explore a number of species and learn enough information to make an educated choice when selecting a topic for this project. If you remain open to the exploration process, we hope you encounter an organism that truly engages your curiosity. 

Learning Targets: 

Today I will explore the IUCN Red List, so that I can find endangered organisms that are interesting to me. I will know I'm successful when I complete the notes on two organisms before selecting one organism as the focus of my project.  


Directions: In order to successfully complete the assignment, you will apply a number of filters to the website. As a class, review the librarian example. This model will walk you through the process, providing screenshots to guide you through the website. 

  1. Open The IUCN Red List website (click the image to the right)
  2. Click on "Advanced"
  3. Work through the librarian model as a class. Learn how to navigate the site and find the required information. 
  4. Explore potential topics for your project and individually complete the assignment. Note: You will receive a paper copy of the assignment during class; if you are absent, please email your teacher. 
