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RBSS Partnership - 2017-2018: Home


Project Goal


For this project you will create a Google Site, an Infographic, or a Video that addresses the following question.


Driving Question: As a mentor working with a student with a specific disability in a special education classroom, what do you need to know about the disability in order to best work with and understand the student?

Opening Discussion: Then & Now - 25 years with the ADA

Guiding Questions

2017 marks the 25th Anniversary of the ADA. The video above is one of the many resources available to celebrate the occasion. As you view the video, please consider the following questions:

  • What evidence of ADA compliance and accessibility do you see in Robinson? And in your community?

  • What remains to be done? In what ways can the school and the community improve?

Timeline for the Project

Timeline for the Project


Library Day: September 25, 2017

  • Spend your first day in the library learning about a variety of disabilities

  • See the information above for more details


Classroom Day: September 27, 2017

  • Select a Topic

  • Create your research questions:

    • What do you need to know?

    • What questions / categories should be addressed in this product?


Library Day: September 29, 2017

  • Deep Dig into your Research

  • Create a Google Doc for Notetaking

  • Share the Google Doc with your Group members and Teachers

  • Divide Research Roles - How will you avoid doubling research efforts?

  • Collaborate with your Group

  • Midway through the class period, discuss product possibilities with your group and decide what product best suits your research


Library Day: October 3, 2017

  • Collaborate with your group and complete the product mapping activity

  • Divide the product so all group members have roles


Library Day: October 5, 2017

  • Collaborate with your group and assemble the product

  • Divide the product so all group members have roles