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Tech Savvy: SR&R

FCPS Technology Policy

SR&R Technology

Cell Phones, Laptops, Tablets, Other Portable Devices:

 FCPS is committed to assisting students and staff members in creating a 21st century learning environment. To support this progress, with classroom teacher approval, students may use their personal devices (smartphones, laptops, netbooks, tablets, etc.) to access the Internet and collaborate with other students during the school day. FCPS is not responsible for loss or damage of students’ devices.


SR&R Technology

Technology Use:

FCPS’ Internet network and computers allow students access to vast resources and a creative outlet to pursue writing, art, music, science, math, and many other subjects. With that opportunity comes responsibility. Students are expected to use the technology ethically, respect the privacy and work of others, leave the workstation in good condition for the next user, and generally follow established rules for safety and security. The same expectations apply to the use of student owned devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones. 

SR&R Plagairism

Cheating, Plagiarism:

Honorable school citizens take credit only for work that is their own. Deliberately copying or using the work of others is considered cheating, plagiarism, or forgery. Students are prohibited from sharing work or discussing assessments with others. 


Social Media

Social Media:

Social media is a powerful platform for engaging students and including them in conversations that affect their ability to thrive in school and life. When using social media to interact with Fairfax County public schools, students are expected to:

• Be polite.

• Remember that once a message is online, it can't be taken back. 

• Refrain from using profanity and racial or ethnic slurs.

• Only represent themselves when messaging. Creating fake FCPS social media accounts is not acceptable.

• Only tag @fcpsnews on tweets which contain appropriate messaging. 

• Remain respectful.  

• Remain truthful in their messaging.

School administrators may be notified if a student conducts him- or herself inappropriately when communicating with the school division or others via social media.