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2018-2019 - MS Journalism: Googling Like a Rock Star!


Take your Google searching skills to the next level.  Explore these materials to design the most effective searches, narrow your search results, and retrieve relevant information.   

Before you search

  • Determine what you're looking for.
  • Choose as many descriptive words as needed.  What are your best keywords?
    • Too few words may give poor results.
    • Google search box accepts up to 32 words.
    • Search engines ignore words that commonly occur in the English language.  Check out this list of stop words.

Boolean Operators (from the Google Help Vault)

Be sure to enter Boolean operators in all capital letters; otherwise, they will be treated as search terms instead of operators.

Operator Description
AND Searches for results that include both the term before and the term after the operator. For example:
  • The query secret AND message returns all items that contain both the word secret and the word message.
OR Searches for results that include either the term before or the term after the operator (or both). For example:
  • The query secret OR message returns all items that contain either the word secret or the word message (or both).
NOT Searches for results that do not include the term after the operator. For example:
  • The query NOT secret returns all items that do not contain the word secret.
  • Google Search Conventions
  • Searches are not case sensitive. 
    • Keywords may be entered in lower or upper case or a combination of both. Math, math, MATH  
    • Exception: Boolean operator OR
      • Find apartments in Cambridge or Arlington          
        Apartments Cambridge OR Arlington      
         must be in caps.
      • Pipe symbol may be used instead of OR               
        Apartments Cambridge | Arlington
    • Boolean operator AND is assumed
      • Find apartments in Cambridge and Arlington         
        Apartments Cambridge Arlington
  • Word order matters.
    • Google ranks the first word slightly higher than the second, the second slightly more than the third, etc.
      • music math (results are slightly different from the search math music)
  • Google ignores most punctuation and symbols. Exceptions:
    • Dollar sign when used to indicate price.
      • canon $400 gives different results than canon 400.
    • Underscore or hyphen when used to connect words.
      • brother-in-law
      • end_of_file
    • Symbols when used to convey meaning such as a programming language (C++), musical terms (G#), etc.
  • Google uses automatic word stemming.
    • Google does not allow wildcards to be used for variable ends of words.
    • Instead, Google searches for all possible word variations.
      • Diet returns diets dieting dietary

*MIT Libraries, Georgana McReynolds, used with permission

The Most Useful Search Tips to Remember:

Operator Description Examples

Exact phrase search

  • Search for words in the order as typed.
  • Type double quotes at the beginning and end of the phrase.

"chemical engineering"

"10 smoots"

"futuristic world of science fiction"

"As you like it"


Include word(s) in the results

  • Type a plus sign before the word or phrase to include.
  • A space must be placed before the plus sign but not after it.
  • Use this operator to include stop words in the results.
    • earthquake +LA California  

"exciton transfer" +temperature

turbine +"Pelton wheel"

Picasso +Guernica


Exclude word(s) in the results

  • Type a minus sign before the word or phrase to exclude.
  • A space must be placed before the minus sign but not after it.


"Michelle Obama" -Barack -president

violin music +sonata -concerto

Gehry -Stata

football -soccer -rugby


Restrict search to a particular domain or website

  • Search top level domains such as .edu, .org, .com, .gov, .net
  • Search within a specific country's domain.

Find volunteer opportunities in Boston at non-profit companies.

volunteering Boston

Find information from the MIT Libraries about Endnote.


Find information about chemical engineering degrees at MIT.

"degree requirements"

Find chemical engineering jobs in China.

"chemical engineering" jobs

Find a list of all the pages on the MIT Libraries website.

*MIT Libraries, Georgana McReynolds, used with permission

The URL, or website address, offers information about a website and provides clues about its trustworthiness.  

Watch the video about URLs

  • Click the play button above and watch the video: What is a URL?

Explore two websites and become a URL detective: 

  • Understanding URLs - 21st Century Information Fluency
  • What is a URL? - Lifewire​
    • Read two sections: The Parts of a URLClues That Web Addresses Can Give You


Watch this video: How to Google Like a Pro

Want to learn more? Watch this video to become an expert searcher.