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Cold War: Cold War Intro & Topics


Cold War

Student Choice Day

Introductory Activity:

Examine images of children during the Cold War (1945 - 1991)  

1) Notice: Look at two images and compare them. What do you notice and what do you think is happening in the photo?

2) Same and Different: What details are similar in both photos?  What details are different? So what? 

Question to consider: When considering these images, what can you infer about growing up in Germany compared to the United States or another country during the Cold War? 

Discuss and share with your table group.

Cold War Topics

To explore Cold War topics, countries, people, treaties, and events, click the image titled "Cold War."  

The Cold War, 1945 - 1991


Image Citation: 

 "West Gernany, West Berlin. Children play on the West side of the Berlin Wall," Proquest, 1965. eLibrary, Accessed 8 Mar. 2023.