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Travel Brochure Research: Ms. Herzberg : Step 1: Open & Explore

Day 1 Learning Targets

Learning Targets

Today I will explore places that are new to me,
so that I can learn enough to select a research focus. 
I will know I'm successful when I consider all my options, select a research focus, and take notes for my project. 

Exploration Stations

Read your classmates' "City Shares" to find two places you'd be interested in learning more about and complete the rest of the row on your Exploration handout. 

Browse tourist attractions around the world via Britannica's public website. Find a place that you'd like to learn more about? Note the city on your Exploration handout and fill out the rest of the row. 

Check out a bunch of images from Britannica Image Quest.  Find two images that intrigue you, look on the back to see the city / country where the picture was taken and complete the rest of the row on your Exploration handout. 

Browse books available on the tables to find two places you'd be interested in learning more about and complete the rest of the row on your Exploration handout.