Establishing a Social Context
Lorraine Hansberry’s play, A Raisin in the Sun, is set in Chicago during the 1950’s. The historic landscape of that time period and that setting underscore Hansberry’s play and themes; remarkably the issues within Hansberry’s play still plague American Society today.
Initial Investigation
You have time in the library to learn - use the opportunity to construct a more detailed context for the play by learning about a variety of issues NOW - eventually you will make connections between modern American society and American society THEN. Keep the essential questions in mind as you investigate the topics in preparation for writing your persuasive letter and making those connections.
Essential Questions:
Throughout your research, delve into a variety of materials in order to develop a persuasive, well supported argument. Consider the following:
What topics are of interest in modern American Society? Where do you see these issues in the news? Who is being affected by the issues?
How can you take a stand on a modern issue? What can you do to ignite change?
How do the topics relate to Hansberry’s play, her characters, allusions, symbolism, setting, motifs, and themes?