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AP Comparative Government: Compare two countries and one issue: Explore Countries & Governments


Country Study

Compare & contrast one of the six AP Comparative Gov. countries with another country of your choice. Research the two countries, plus one issue. Then choose a final product from the Choice Board.

Intro Activity -

AP Comparative - 6 countries

Compare one of the six AP Comparative countries to another country of your choice.  

After completing the exploration in the library, choose one:

  • China
  • Iran
  • Mexico
  • Nigeria
  • Russia
  • United Kingdom

Stations to Explore Countries and Issues


  • Explore four stations so that you can make an informed decision when choosing your countries and issue to research.
  • Take notes on the note sheet for the exploration. 


Explore a variety of books about countries. Skim and scan the table of contents, look at pictures and captions, take brief notes that relate to the government, society, or culture.  Note the title of the source in case you'd like to go back to it later.