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IB Lang & Lit - Culture and Context Research: Overview


Culture and Context Research - Overview

Goals for you Time in the Library

You have time in the library to research points of interest relating to your choice novel. Explore a variety of resources and consider authorship of each source, analyzing the credibility and authority of the information, before applying the research to your text. Ultimately you will produce a short analysis of the research as it elucidates the content of your choice literature.

Essential Questions

Essential Questions:

  • What do you need to know in order to appreciate and understand the literature?
  • How does an understanding of the author and cultural context illuminate aspects of the text?
  • How does the cultural context shape your analysis of the work?


As you research, reflect on the guidance listed in your assignment:

  • “Consider how the information informs the content of the literature you read.  How do they drive the narrative being told? (Approach this thinking through the ideas of ‘discourse analysis’).  
  • What inherent bias do you hear?  Said another way, what “single story” is being told? How is the world being presented to you? (If you need to, watch the TED talk by Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie again).
  • Is there danger of a stereotype being emboldened? Or, is a stereotype being challenged?
  • What specific lens did you find was the strongest through which you experienced the text?  How did you negotiate your experience of reading?”