From your assignment sheet:
"When changes in matter and energy occur, people must investigate the outcomes both intended and unintended."
“Nuclear chemistry is the most powerful and misunderstood topic in chemistry. The mention of the word nuclear puts most people in fear and their first and sometimes only picture is that of a nuclear explosion. What comes first to your mind when the term nuclear chemistry is brought up? Are the bomb, nuclear power, and radiation poisoning the only things nuclear chemistry has to offer?”
Purpose: This project will allow you to understand many aspects of nuclear chemistry while also working with your classmates to determine your stance on a specific use of nuclear chemistry in our world.
There are many applications of nuclear chemistry today, for this project we limit the scope to the following topics:
Holbert, Keith. “Nuclear Reactor.” AccessScience, McGraw-Hill Education, June 2019.
Self Management | Research |
Listen to one another as you move through this activity; you will have the opportunity to speak to half of your classmates.
Independently, return to your original writing and add to your thinking. What did you learn? What do you still need to know?
As a group, discuss which KEYWORDS are important for this topic. List them on your own paper.
So What? How does this activity relate to your assignment?
Gale Document Number: GALE|PC3630687109