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2018-19 Honors Biology - Scholarly Journal Articles: Step Five: Results



The results section of a scholarly article is generally devoted to discussing the type of analysis conducted regarding the data as well as the results.  In this station, you will identify and analyze the specific data used in this experiment. 

Interpreting Data

Task #1: 

  1. Each person should open the article (linked to the right) and scroll to the "Results" section. 
  2. As a group, interpret the data collected and complete the "Results" section of the Google Doc / handout. Consider the following as you analyze the data: 
    • ​​You will need to identify and analyze specific data values. Explain how the data was presented (did the authors use data tables?  Graphs? Both? If they used graphs, what type of graph was used?). Why did the scientists use that type of graph, chart, etc?  
    • Cite specific data points from the experiment, using proper units (statistical values are NOT data -- p values, SD [standard deviation], t-test, etc).
    • What trends do you see in the data?  Describe the relationship between the IV and the DV.

Results Link

Click the image to open the Article: